The "Disney Magic"

     When one thinks of Disney, it creates a feeling of happiness and safety. Visitors are so consumed with the Disney Magic, that they forget about the dangers and possibilities of injuries. In Peter Steeves article, “Becoming Disney: Perception and Being at the Happiest Place on Earth”, he mentions that parents assume that their children are safe by saying, “After all this is Disneyland” (183).  A quote by Karen Klugman written in Steeves article, she maintains that our “critical capacities are replaced with a childlike trust” (183).  This furthers my examination on how Disneyland changes people, even adults; they turn into mindless children that transport into a fantasy world.
      As people step into Disneyland and enter this fantasy world, they begin to feel a sense of freedom. Disneyland becomes a place where everything is controlled and this is another reason why people feel so safe there. When I say freedom, I mean mentally and physically. Mentally, not only because they are at a place filled with entertainment and attractions, but they are free from their jobs or daily chores.