
      This website is for those people out there who need a little help with finding their way around Disneyland and how they should spend their day. Although, this is not just an ordinary website for a family trip to Disneyland. Unlike Stephen Birnbaum’s travel book, Birnbaum Guides: 2013 Disneyland Resort, which is created for the general public, this guide is for teenagers like myself. This is a place for teenagers who do not think Disneyland is a fun and exciting place to go. Disneyland may sometimes be stereotyped for ONLY young kids to have fun. This is definitely not true! From experience (after going to Disneyland over 10 times) I myself can make sure that whoever is reading this will not think Disneyland is just for kids. Disneyland has many attractions and fun things to do whether you are an adult, teenager or a little kid. For the older teenagers and adults, there are roller coasters and fast rides that take you through space or through an adventure with Indiana Jones. 
            Walt Disney and his team have created Disneyland’s ethos to be a joyous place for every type of person; family, couple or friends. Just by the slogan “The Happiest Place on Earth” tells everyone that if you do travel to this place, you will be happy and nothing else. I think the reason why Disneyland has become this huge phenomenon is because it takes people away from reality and brings them to a place filled with attractions, entertainment, and delicious food. Not only does it stop there. Right as you step through the entrance of Disneyland, you travel into a world like no other. Into a world that is combined with the past, future and fantasy. Every street you take leads you to a different town or place.